If you want to do or become something in life, then you should have a goal in writing.
We know that every person wants to do something or the other in life or wants to become something.
But thousands and lakhs of crores of people will be found who have written goals. If we talk about research or answers, then there are only three percent people who have their written goals.
When you write down your goal, it gets absorbed into your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind starts working to achieve that goal.
For example, you must have seen or found that if you think that I want this clothes or this thing or I say that I want a blue Scorpio, then if you go on the road today, you will see only blue Scorpio, you will be attracted like Scorpio and when You think about something again and again, see it again and again, then start taking action on it and think, how can I buy this Scorpio, what should I do to buy this Scorpio, what should I do? Let me save money to buy Scorpio.
You will gradually put in all your efforts to buy Scorpio and after some time you will buy it.
There are 12 important setups to achieve your gold in your life, if you follow them then you will definitely achieve your goal.
- Have a desire what you do really want
- Believe that you are goals is achievable
- Write your goal down
- Determine your starting points
- Set a deadline
- Identity the obstacles in your way
- Determine the additional knowledge and skill you need
- Determine the people whose help you will need
- Make a plan put is targeter
- Visualise your goal continually
- Never give up
If you apply these 12 steps in your life then you will definitely be able to achieve your goal. When people are asked what is their goal then many people will definitely give some answer and will definitely tell something but they Ask if you have written your goals somewhere and they will definitely deny. Only three percent people have written goals and all of them are in high positions and are always successful in their life.
Writing a goal is like if you want to go somewhere, first of all you decide the destination, only after deciding the destination, you book the flight ticket, then you do your packaging according to the destination, like keeping winter clothes. What to keep in summer clothes, what to wear, if you are planning to go to Goa, then you will have to keep clothes for bathing in the sea, then only after reaching the destination, what to take with you, what to take with you. Other things are decided.
In this way, when your goal is clear, then only you can decide what things you need to achieve this gold, what work will have to be done, what news skills will have to be learned and which people will be needed. What staff will be required and what resources will have to be deployed etc.
But the thing to keep in mind is that all this happens only when you know what is your goal in life, what do you want to become, what do you want to achieve, how much money do you want, what kind of solution do you want, what kind of family do you want, etc. then when you write things down, By going there we are able to follow the necessary steps to achieve them.
You must write your goals and then write what we have to do and what steps it takes.