Idea can come from 3rd or 4th class members like hotel by office boy
I would like to tell you that you should keep an idea box in your office in which all your employees, workers and all the staff should write a slip of idea and put it in it and your questions should be hung at a common place so that everyone can read. After that they can write their idea and put it in the idea box along with their name and address.
In which you will get thousands of ideas for your work or problem and then start working on whichever idea you like best.
And encourage the people who give good ideas, give them awards and if possible, you can also promote that person so that people get interested in giving ideas and everyone participates enthusiastically.
This will ensure that every small and big employee will be able to participate in it. This idea is something that can be taken from any third or fourth class employee.
For example, a very hot issue was being discussed in ICCI that how to bring as much money in cricket as in football. There is very little money in cricket and very much in football.
We are able to pay very little to the cricketers and very much to the football players and the income of the footballer is in millennium dollars and we are not able to pay even thousands of dollars to the cricketers.
Well, at one time it was being discussed in the board meeting that cricket should bring in as much money as football.
After discussion for an hour no solution was found and outside the meeting a third class employee clerk was talking about this so he went to Board KK Sir I have an idea if I have your permission then let me tell you what. Board KK was a little worried, so many great people were sitting here, they could not tell anything, could not give any idea, what will you tell.
But he said to Veman, ok, tell me what do you want to say, then he said, Sir, all the ODI matches which are of 50-50 overs should be made 20-20 overs, so that time will be less and a lot of public will come to watch cricket easily. Because in this the match will be over in just three-four hours and one good thing is that every batsman will have to play his best on every ball and hit every ball otherwise some walks may be missed in the 50-50 overs match. So It doesn’t matter.
And on the other hand, every bowler will have to give his best on every ball, which will bring a different level of excitement in the match and the public will enjoy watching the match and the public will feel connected.
This idea was given by a third class clerk employee, but just like the first good idea is thrown in the dustbin, similarly this idea was also thrown in the dustbin.
But this idea went to the mind of the chief of ICCI and after some time this T20 was again considered and we know that because of T20 today there is much more money in cricket than in football. If a player plays a match of T20 then he Earns so much money that the best performing player of 20 years ago could not earn in his entire cricket career.
If today’s player plays just one season of IPL match and winning is another matter, then he becomes a millionaire.
In the second example, I take our God of Cricket Sachin Tendulkar.
When he was in the middle of his cricket career, he went to a hotel with his family to have dinner, there was a waiter who was serving food to Sachin ji, then he said to Sachin ji, Sir, I want to give you an advice, I am your every I watch the match and am your big fan.
So Sachin ji is a person with a great heart, so he said lovingly, “Tell me, what advice do you want to give?” Then the waiter said, “Sir, if you try to hit on the leg, then you wear pads in your hands because the pads are a little big.” Your album gets stuck and you can’t hit the wall completely.
It clicked in Sachin ji’s mind and he said to the waiter, you are right. Sachin ji immediately said, I will check it in the practice tomorrow morning itself and the next day Sachin ji said to the bowler in the practice session, you bowl on the leg. Sachin ji hit back when he realized that the pad of my hand was getting stuck in the album and I was not able to hit with full power.
I say that a great good idea can come from any person, it has nothing to do with rich, poor, beautiful, black, boy or girl.
If someone is giving us an idea then we should consider it, respect it and if it feels right then we should apply it in our life and business.